Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Daily Log for the Minnow

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
7:17 AM UTC

We're moving again! Yesterday we were sailing along in fairly light wind with the middle-sized spinnaker up, and it ripped in two.
Two sails in two days! We'll use towels for sails if this keeps up. I think we must have damaged it earlier, because the wind was
light when it tore. We're going to try to sew, tape, or weld it back together.

We sewed some reinforcement onto the big spinnaker today. I helped! We have photos to prove it.

Now we're headed 234 at 8.2 knots. Wind is from 125 at 17 knots. We're going south to get by a band of slow air. Today we should
pass the halfway point. I thought earlier that we'd have smooth sailing from here on, but this morning I noticed tropical storm
Epsilon (gusts to 65 knots) on the weather fax. It's far enough north not to bother us, but it may mess up our nice, pretty wind

A few flying fish have decided to fly onto the boat lately. Last night one flew throught the window into the living room! I was
sleeping, but Jim and Mike got a surprise.

It's staying dark later. Either the days are getting shorter, we're moving west, the sun is burning out, or some combination of the


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