I never really know.
Today Dad and I went diving, kayaking, and snorkeling. We saw two turtles before and after we went diving. But we saw loads and
loads and loads of colorful fish on a reef we kayaked to.
Here's a simple list of what critters we saw:
Foureye Butterflyfish
Spotfin Butterflyfish
Blue Tang
Ocean Surgeonfish
Bicolor Damselfish
Dusky Damselfish
Sergeant Major
Yellowtail Damselfish Juvenile
Barred Hamlet
Harlequin Bass
Spotlight Parrotfish (Initial and Adult phase)
Goldspot Goby
Spotted Goatfish
Yellow Goatfish
Elkhorn Coral
Staghorn Coral
Blade Fire Coral [toxic]
Boulder Brain Coral
Black Sea Rod
Social Feather Duster
Christmas Tree Worm [cool to poke]
Star Horseshoe Worm
Spaghetti Worm
Touch-Me-Not Sponge [not sure if toxic]
Milk Conch
Cushion Sea Star
Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber [looked like it too]
West Indian Sea Egg
Long-Spined Urchin [not good to poke]
Turtle Grass
Spiral-gilled Tube Worm
Pink-tipped Anemone [probably stings]
Orange Fire Worm [toxic]
Lettuce Coral
Lobed Star Coral
Branching Fire Coral
Sea Fan
Double-forked Plexaurella
Red Sponge
Vase Sponge
Knobbed Zoanthidean
But that's not nearly everything. We had to stop snorkeling and hop back in our kayaks so we wouldn't get struck by lightning.
Today we've been getting frequent Kuna visitors trying to sell us things. Some of them don't seem as friendly when I tell them I
really don't have any money (I don't). Some come on board and hang out for a while though. Yesterday we watched Star Wars (the
younger ones picked it out) and ate pineapple. Today some girls my age came on board and we spoke in broken Spanish about random
things that I only know in Spanish. I usually get asked how many children I have and if dad is my husband. Crazy. I tell them no and
no and I'm not getting married until I'm 40 and then they usually laugh pretty hard. The kayaks have been a hit so far for anyone
that's tried them. If I ruled the world, everyone would have a kayak.
Now it is pouring on us as we're motoring through walls of rain. I bailed water out of the kayaks. Dad lost important papers and dug
in the trasha few times. Then he found the papers a few hours later in his drawer. It was pretty neat.
Other updates: my jellyfish stings itch like heck, we ate our bean/veggy leftovers, watched butterflies are free and some other
movie with katherine hepburn in it which was really good, vacuumed, looked up "roof" in the dictionary and found out you can say the
double o's like either boot or book, and lastly, we have no more apples. Now we're watching South Pacific because I've never seen it
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