Thursday, June 11, 2009

Long Beach to Cost Rica

Long Beach to Cost Rica

Sailing with Dummies (California to Texas, Day 2)

Tuesday, June 10, 2009

by Mike

Our first full day on the ocean featured small waves, light winds, nice temperatures (60s), and partly cloudy skies. Very comfortable.

We are staying about 30-50 miles off shore as we go south. There were quite a few ships (maybe 25?) passing us going both ways. Most are closer to shore than us. Didn’t see any smaller boats.

To get to Costa Rica without stopping for fuel we have to sail (without running a motor) several days. The light wind is predicted to lessen in the next few days. That means we’re sailing kind of slow so we can use the motor in the weaker winds. If we happen to run out of diesel we can stop in Acapulco or somewhere and get fuel. But we prefer to skip those stops since they might take an extra day or two for customs.

Fishing Report:

The water temperature is 68 degrees. I think that’s kind of cold for dolphin fish, but it seems like there should be some other kinds of fish out there. All morning no bites. Afternoon, no bites. Finally in the evening Bob reeled in a 16-pound albacore tuna.

Fine Arts:

Nothing special today. More guitar wailing. Aida on the stereo. Bob dragged out the piano late and started on some of our new piano books.


Fine Dining:

Our first day away from drive-thrus and we survived! The menu included cinnamon rolls, salads, French bread, apples, bananas, and cookies. Boring until Bob caught a fish. Then we had blackened tuna steaks. Fresh and tasty!

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