Friday, June 12, 2009

Long Beach to Cost Rica

Long Beach to Cost Rica

Sailing with Dummies (California to Texas, Day 3)

Tuesday, June 11, 2009

by Mike

Our second full day on the ocean featured small waves, light winds, nice temperatures (60s), and partly cloudy skies. Same as yesterday.

Fishing Report:

One bite. One fish. Sixteen-pound albacore tuna. Same as yesterday.

This could be habit-forming.

Fine Arts:

We have been mostly “art free” on the boat so far. No movies. Almost all of the music on the boat has been played by Bob and me. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count as art. Does reading books count as art?


Fine Dining:

It’s been cold when I get up in the morning (before dawn). Makes me want to cook something in the oven. Today it was cookies. In order to make them healthy, I added lots of oatmeal. They were “fine.” Also “fine” was the sashimi for lunch. All the chilled raw tuna chunks we could eat along with all the wasabi we could eat. 

I’m still eating salads and fruit, too. To be a health nut (see oatmeal above). I like the salads but looking forward to the day we run out of fruit. My luck we’ll run out of salad stuff and the fruit will last the entire trip.

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