Sunday, July 13, 2008

6/12/2008 by Melinda the Captain

We're currently motoring past Segula Island which looks like "a big stinkin' volcano" in our travel guide but all we can see is a thick gooey fog. We haven't had a constant fog though. It seems to roll in and out fairly quickly, along with the variable 5 to 35 knot winds. It makes for a good time trying to anchor in the middle of the night. We managed to anchor in the fog last night. We woke up next to lots of shipwrecks and a broken pier.

Josh and I went for a brisk morning cruise in the dinghy, and then I went for a long hike where I saw lots of guns, shells, ammunitions, and broken things. The hillsides had indentions in the ground which none of us could figure out if it was from bombings or what. Some of the guns were very, very large. Bob found a shell casing about two feet long. We saw our first Bald Eagle! And a lot of Lapland Longspurs, Song Sparrows, and McKay's Buntings. I'm thrilled to have finally figured out the mystery bird: Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Now I'm bored.

I keep baking more cakes, cinnamon rolls, and biscuits in an attempt to warm up but it seems everyone is overdosing on sugar, except for Bob maybe. Tonight might be a brownie night.

The end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you guys see this eruption?
Mount Okmok on the island of Umnak in the Aleutian Islands erupts.